Biodiversity of Spiders Associated with Cotton and Maize in Sharkia Governorate with a Special Reference to the Spider, Kochiura aulica (Koch)

Document Type : Original research articles


Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt


Spiders associated with cotton and maize plants were recorded in Sharkia Governorate,  Egypt, during 2009 season, Results revealed the occurrence of eighteen spider species belonging to nine families. Eight and sixteen species were collected from cotton and maize plants, respectively. Thomisus spinifer Cambridge was the most frequent species, with 100.00 and 20.45 % for absolute frequency and relative frequency of occurrence, respectively, while all Erigone sp., Gnathonarium dentalum (Wider),  Ewyopis  sp.,  and Cyrtuphora citricola (Forskal) recorded the lowest frequency occurrence 5.5 and l.l3 %, respectively. Life cycle and female fecundity of Kochiura aulica (Koch) (Theridiidae) were studied when fed on Spodoptera littorals (Boisd.) second instars larvae. Feeding capacity was also estimated. Obtained data cleared that K. aulica can be used as a biocontrol agent in integrated pest management program.


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