Publication Ethics

Ethical considerations that authors should follow when submitting articles to the Journal, according to COPE instructions:

  1. Plagiarism: Authors should ensure that their work is original and has not been previously published or submitted elsewhere. Any information obtained from other sources should be properly cited. Researchers must ensure that all work cited in their articles is properly attributed and avoid plagiarism by accurately citing sources.
  2. Research misconduct: Authors should conduct their research in an ethical and responsible manner, following established guidelines and protocols. Any unethical or fraudulent behavior will not be tolerated.
  3. Informed consent: Authors should obtain informed consent from any human subjects involved in their research. This includes providing a clear explanation of the study and its potential risks and benefits, as well as allowing participants to withdraw from the study at any time. Obtaining informed consent is important to ensure that participants' privacy and confidentiality are protected throughout the research process. The author should also ensure that the work described has been carried out in accordance with “The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki)”.
  4. Animal safety: When conducting research involving animal subjects, it is important that researchers follow ethical guidelines for animal care and use. This includes minimizing discomfort or distress to the animals and ensuring that all procedures are approved by an institutional animal care and use committee. Authors should also adhere to appropriate guidelines for animal care and use when describing their methodology in a journal article.
  5. Conflict of interest: Authors should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may influence their research findings or interpretation of results. This includes financial or personal relationships that may have an impact on the study. It is important for authors to be transparent about any possible conflicts of interest, whether they are financial or otherwise, in order to maintain scientific integrity and credibility.
  6. Data integrity: Authors should ensure the accuracy and integrity of their data, and provide all necessary information to allow for replication of their results.
  7. Data fabrication/falsification: Authors must not manipulate data or fabricate results; all reported findings must be based on accurate data collection methods and analysis procedures.
  8. Authorship criteria: All individuals who contributed significantly to the research project should be included as authors; author order should also reflect each individual's level of contribution to the project rather than status within an organization or group.
  9. Publication ethics: Authors should adhere to the journal's guidelines for publication, including ensuring that their work is not under consideration elsewhere and that all authors have agreed to the submission.
  10. The language is clear and professional. 

Studies in humans

If the work involves the use of human subjects:

  • The author should ensure that the work described has been carried out in accordance with The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for experiments involving humans.
  • The manuscript should be in line with the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals and aim for the inclusion of representative human populations (sex, age, and ethnicity) as per those recommendations."
  • Authors should ensure that they have obtained informed consent from the participants before conducting any experiments.
  • Additionally, authors should include a statement in the manuscript that informed consent was obtained from the human subjects. This statement should clearly state that the privacy rights of human subjects were observed and respected throughout the study.
  • It is important to ensure that the confidentiality and privacy of human subjects are protected at all times.

Studies on animal

Animal experiments should adhere to guidelines such as ARRIVE and relevant laws and regulations, and the sex of animals should be indicated in the manuscript along with any potential impact on study results.

By following these ethical considerations, authors can ensure that their research is conducted in a responsible and transparent manner and that the integrity of the scientific process is maintained.