Ecological Studies on the Mango Red Spider Mite Oligonycbus mangiferus (Rahman and Sapra) in Mango Orchards (Acari: Tetranychidae)

Document Type : Original research articles


1 Plant Protection Dept., National Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt

2 Agric. Zoology and Nematology Dept., Faculty of Agric., Al-Azbar Univ., Cairo, Egypt


Ecological studies and management of the red spider mite, Oligonychus mangiterus (Rahman and Sapra) infesting
mango orchards near Cairo in Egypt were carried out for two years. Population behaviour of the pest was influenced by
climatic conditions, host preference, predation and vertical distribution. About 14 & 15 generations were recorded for
0. mangiferus on Hindi and 16 & 14 generations on Alphonso cultivars during the two successive years respectively.
Leaves at top level of both mango cultivars were found preferable to the mite infestation than those at the middle and
bottom. Alphonso mango trees were nearly more susceptible to mite pest compared with Hindi cultivar. One acaricide
application was sufficient to suppress the mite outbreak below the economic level when it applied as mite population
started to increase.


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