scanning Electromicroscope as a Tool to Re-describe Isolates of Varroa destructor from Nine Different Egyptian Governorates

Document Type : Original research articles


1 Zoology and Agric. Nematology Dept., Fac. of Agric., Cairo Univ., Giza, Egypt

2 Plant Protection Research. Institute , Agri. Res. Center, Giza, Egypt


The new results according to Anderson & Trueman (2ooo) and Zaki (2009) determining the specific statuses of Varroa in Egypt were identical to that of the Korean genotype of V. destructor. The honeybee mite Varroa destrictor specimens collected, from nine governorates representing ten regions: Arish and Rafah (North Sini), Esmailia, Minia, Giza, Gharbia, Qalubia, New Valley (Dakhla Oasis), Alexandria and Fayoum governorates examined and measured. Observations of characters under scanning electornmicroscope were analyzed.


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